Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Author? Publisher? Bookseller? Printer? Social Networking? Blogging? Published? Self-published? Short-run Books? Print-on-Demand Books? eBooks?

I am currently updating for publication a paper presented at the University of Bedfordshire (http://cwparadox.wikidot.com). It is aimed at postgraduate students who have embarked on a Creative Writing PhD and discusses the options open to them when it comes to publishing. This is a call for as many viewpoints (and statistics) from those embedded in the publishing industry as possible. Are you an author whose books sell well? Are you a publisher disillusioned by eBook sales and the costs involved? Are you a bookseller who is watching sales decline in the current economic climate? Have you managed to use social networking to establish yourself in publishing or is it all a mystery to you? Are blogs a time-consuming distraction? Is print advertising still worth the bother? Are you making money through self-publishing? Are you a printer seeing expensive machinery left idle?

Please comment on the site or email me. All comments and opinions welcome.