Thursday, 7 July 2005

International Anthony Burgess Foundation (Symposium Paper)

Anthony Levings, ‘The Opera Libretto as Narrative after Narrativism in The End of the World News and Mozart and the Wolf Gang’, paper presented at Anthony Burgess and Modernity: A Symposium, The International Anthony Burgess Foundation (IABF), Manchester, 7–9 July 2005. List of Speakers

Friday, 1 April 2005

End of the World Newsletter (Paper Review)

'Anthony Levings (Canterbury) reads a paper which at first seems to be all about Martin Amis’s The Information, but gradually we get the point. He talks about differing attitudes to AB from Kingsley Amis and Martin, literary rivalry, writerly doppelgangers (AB and JBW) and suddenly it hangs together. A good paper which should have been twice as long.'

Douglas Milton, 'Burgess on the Loire: A Celebration', End of the World Newsletter 1(1): 2-3. Download Newsletter (PDF)